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Summary of Texas Requirements

Current as of March 21, 2017

TEXAS ANIMAL HEALTH COMMISSION 1-800-550-8242, Ext. 777 or 512-719-0777

Summary of Texas Requirements

For Intrastate, Interstate and International Livestock (Domestic and Exotic), Poultry and Ratites Note: The following summary is a condensed version of the Texas Animal Health Commission regulations. The regulations will supersede this summary if there is a dispute between the two. Poultry Requirements

I. Intrastate (Poultry moved within the state of Texas) A. All poultry originating in Texas and participating in:

  1. 1. Intrastate shows, fairs, and exhibitions (those functions that require Texas livestock, poultry and ratites of the same species to be housed and exhibited separate and apart from livestock, poultry and ratites from out of state) are exempt from the certificate of veterinary inspection but the poultry must originate from flocks or hatcheries free of pullorum disease and fowl typhoid or have a negative pullorum-typhoid test within 30 days before exhibition.

  2. 2. Interstate shows, fairs, and exhibitions (those functions that permit livestock and poultry from other states to enter for show or exhibition and held in common facilities with Texas origin livestock and poultry of the same species) are exempt from an entry permit, but must meet the same other requirements as for those species entering from out-of-state and be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection.

II Interstate (Poultry moved into the state from other states)

A. Any livestock, poultry or ratites that are infected, exposed or quarantined in any manner for an infectious, contagious or communicable disease may not enter the state. Contact TAHC at 1-800-550-8242.

B. Entry Requirements for Live Domestic Poultry from Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Affected States

  • 1. Avian Influenza negative test results with 72 hours of entry by either of the following methods:

            a. A minimum of 30 birds per flock are serologically negative to an ELISA or AGID test for Avian Influenza (individual tests are required if shipment is less than 30 birds.), or

            b. A minimum of 10 birds (e.g., two pools of 5 birds per house) are tested negative on tracheal swabs to a RRT-PCR test (Individual test are required if shipment is less than 10 bird

  • 2. A certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) listing the general description of the birds, test date, test results and name of testing laboratory. The CVI should include a statement that reads, “These birds have not originated from an area or a flock where High Pathogenic Avian Influenza Avian Influenza is known to exist.”

  • 3. Specific permission must be granted by the Commission prior to entry. Request can be made by calling 1-800-550-8242, Ext. 77 or fax a request to the TAHC Permits Department with the A.I. test documents and CVI to 512-719-0729.

  • 4. Exceptions to these requirements are baby poultry which have not been fed or watered if form a National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) Avian Influenza clean or equivalent hatchery, and accompanied by NPIP Form 9-3 or Animal and Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Form 17-6, or have an approved “Commuter Poultry Flock Agreement” on file with the state of origin and the Commission.

C. An owner-shipper statement may be used in lieu of a certificate of veterinary inspection in some instances.

  • 1. Poultry delivered to slaughter by the owner or consigned there and accompanied by an owner-shipper statement.

D. Entry permits are required as noted in the following section and may be obtained by calling 512/719-0777 (24 hours) or 1-800-550-8242, ext. 777 or by writing the Texas Animal Health Commission, 2105 Kramer Lane, P. O. Box 12966, Austin, Texas 78711-2966.

E. Entry Requirements for Poultry

  • 1. Certificate of Veterinary Inspection required within 30 days prior to entry.

           a. The certificate should state that the poultry have been vaccinated only with USDA and TAHC approved vaccines. (Contact TAHC for a list of approved vaccines.) Current as of March 21, 2017 1) No modified live virus chick embryo origin Laryngotracheitis (LT) vaccine and no modified live virus mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) attenuated vaccine may be used on poultry entering the State.

          b. The certificate should state that the poultry have not originated from an area that has had active Laryngotracheitis within the last 30 days.

  • 2. An entry permit is required within 15 days prior to entry. Exceptions to the permit:

          a. Poultry delivered to a slaughter establishment (which maintains federal postmortem inspection) by the owner; or

          b. Poultry delivered to a slaughter establishment and consigned there and accompanied by an owner-shipper statement indicating the plant of destination

  • 3. Live domestic poultry, except those entering for slaughter and processing at a slaughter facility owned or operated by the owner of the poultry entering, may enter Texas only under the following circumstances:

           a. Originate from a flock that is certified as Avian Influenza clean in accordance with the National Poultry Improvement Plan; or

           b. Originate from an Avian Influenza negative flock that participates in an approved state-sponsored Avian Influenza monitoring program; or

           c. Originate from a flock in which a minimum of 30 birds, 4 weeks of age or older, or the complete flock, if fewer than 30, are serologically negative to an Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) or Agar Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) test for Avian Influenza within 30 days of entry or a minimum of 10 birds (e.g. two pools of 5 birds per house) are tested negative on trachea swabs to a real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RRT-PCR) test within 30 days of entry or negative to other tests approved by the Commission.

           d. Live domestic poultry from states affected with Avian Influenza may enter Texas for slaughter and processing only under the following circumstances: A minimum of 30 birds per flock are serologically negative to an ELISA or AGID test for Avian Influenza within 72 hours of entry, or a minimum of 10 birds (e.g., two pools of 5 birds per house) are tested negative on tracheal swabs to a RRT-PCR test within 72 hours of entry or negative to other tests approved by the TAHC, and specific written permission has been granted.

           e. Live domestic poultry broilers from states affected with Infectious Laryngotracheitis and vaccinated with chick embryo vaccine may enter Texas for immediate slaughter and processing only under the following conditions:

          1) The request for authorization must be in writing and shall include a proposed route to slaughter that would not pose a disease risk to Texas poultry.

          2) The initial request must be approved by the Executive Director prior to entry.

          3) All shipments qualifying for entry shall have an entry permit and documentation of the origin of the shipment.

  • 4. A negative pullorum-typhoid test is required within 30 days prior to entry or poultry must originate from flocks that meet either the Texas Pullorum-Typhoid Program and/or the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP).

  • 5. Baby poultry are exempt from these requirements if from a NPIP or equivalent hatchery and accompanied by a NPIP VS Form 9-3 or an APHIS Form 17-6; or, are covered by an approved "Commuter Poultry Flock Agreement" on file with the state of origin and the Texas Animal Health Commission.

F. Interstate Poultry Exhibition Requirements

     a. Poultry entered in terminal public exhibition shall be accompanied by a certificate of source which identifies the flock of origin.

     b. Poultry entered in a non-terminal public exhibition shall be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection which states the poultry:

           1) Have been inspected and are free from evidence of infectious or contagious diseases;

           2) Have been vaccinated only with approved vaccines;

           3) Have not originated from an area that has had an active avian disease within 30 days of entry.

           4) must have either a negative flock or individual bird test for Avian Influenza, within 30 days of entry.

           5) Have had a negative pullorum-typhoid test within 30 days prior to entry or that the poultry must originate from flocks that meet either the Texas Pullorum-Typhoid Program and/or the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP).

II. International (Poultry moved into the state from foreign countries)Contact USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) for International animal requirements.

Summary of Texas Requirements: Feature
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