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NPIP Program

How to qualify your flocks for show, sell or trade

Poultry owners who want to show, sell or trade their birds in Texas must seek assistance from the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL).

TVMDL manages the Texas Pullorum-Typhoid Program. It also serves as the Official State Coordinator’s office for the National Poultry Improvement Plan.


Poultry programs through TVMDL


The Texas Pullorum-Typhoid Program Poultry owners who want to show, sell or trade in Texas must have their flocks certified as free from pullorum disease and fowl typhoid under the Texas Pullorum-Typhoid Program. TVMDL employs four poultry epidemiologists across the state who are available to test your flock. To be tested, birds must be at least 16 weeks old or nearing sexual maturity.

The National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP)

Membership in the NPIP makes it easier for poultry owners to transport birds from state to state. The plan is nationally recognized for its standardization of testing and product terminology.

To become a member of the National Poultry Improvement Plan in Texas, the first step is to have a negative flock test under the Texas Pullorum-Typhoid Program.

The next step is to request NPIP membership from the Official State Coordinator’s office, which is located at TVMDL’s College Station laboratory. You will receive a memorandum of agreement and a fee statement.

Complete and return the memorandum to the Official State Coordinator with a check payable to the Texas Poultry Improvement Association.

The Official State Coordinator will seek an NPIP approval number from the NPIP’s national office, and will forward your check and memorandum to the Texas Poultry Improvement Association.

To learn more, contact TVMDL’s Poultry Programs Administrator J.C. Essler at 888-646-5623.

Texas NPIP: News
Texas NPIP: Widget
San Antonio area PT Testers

If you are in need of getting your flock tested, check out our list of certified testers. We have it broken into several areas.. San Antonio then areas NE, SE, NW and SW of San Antonio.


If you are certified and want to be listed, see our shop to purchase a listing or contact us for more information.

Summary of Texas Requirements

In and Out of State

Requirements for birds to cross state line.


State Import


Requirements for shipping birds into other states.

Contact Numbers

for State Importation Requirements

Need to talk to someone in another state about their requirements.. this is your list.

Texas NPIP: Feature
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